i will aept all the nseences and responsibilities of punishnt thank you all for takg the ti to read this statent aidst your by schedules
apologize once aga to l fei for all the ngua attacks she should not have suffered due to y selfish and alicio behavior】(声明。
【have you heard? have you heard that the ul patg petition has turned around!】(听说了吗,听说了吗,慕林绘画大赛事件反转了!)
【i heard, i heard! i never expected it! zhou yi is actually such a pern! i really like her it&039;s a pity that she dances well i&039; nfed origally, the ternationally renowned ballet teacher sir would e to ul to recruit a student this year zhou yi was expected by everyone, and there was only one spot avaible the whole school had high hopes for zhou yi now that this spot is avaible, it&039;s a pity jog sir&039;s dance troupe is a direct petition for the whole world, what an opportunity for honor what a fool!!!!】听说了听说了!真没想到!周以居然是这样的人!我可喜欢她了,跳舞那么好,真是可惜了啊。糊涂啊真是糊涂。本来今年国际知名的芭蕾舞sir老师,会来慕林招一个同学的,周以本来是众望所归的,名额就一个,全校都看好周以的。现在这个名额要供手让人了呀,真是可惜,加入sir老师的舞蹈团可是直接面向全世界比赛的,那荣誉那机会啊。真是糊涂啊!!!!
【this l tea leader is al a arried an who still thks about other girls he has done all rts of bad thgs! destroy if you can&039;t t it?! disgtg an! pooh——】这个林组长也是,都是有妇之夫了,还惦记着别的女孩子,真是坏事做尽啊!得不到就毁掉?!恶心男!呸——
【u l acadey official, do you still need these o students? this disgtg vert operation, i don&039;t know how any people have been frad by the it&039;s defitely not the first ti, won&039;t your hospital respond? jt pretendg to be dead like this? do you want peace of d? are you still pnng to shut our ouths?! e out and respond ickly!!!】慕林学院官方,这两个学生你们还要啊?这么恶心的暗箱操作,也不知道有多少人被他们陷害了都,肯定不是第一次,你们院方不给个回应吗?就这样装死?想要息事宁人?还是准备堵我们嘴啊?!快出来回应啊!!!